Anna Patterson-Haller
Email: anna@msenvironmental.us
Linkedin: Anna (Patterson) Haller | LinkedIn
Anna Haller is a California native living most of her life in Southern California where she graduated from Capistrano Valley High School and attended Saddleback College. She is a mother of 2 son’s, 3 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. Working with kids and schools is a favorite when it comes to educating about how waste is connected to all we do.
With over 35 years in the waste and recycling industry she specializes in equipment program design and services that help clients reduce waste hauling costs while increasing recycling efforts. Anna has unique insight on waste and recycling infrastructures and has demonstrated repeatedly how operational costs can be dramatically reduced with the right equipment and program design.
Anna has worked for waste haulers in California such as Waste Management in the late 80’s and then left to work with Burrtec Waste Industries in 2000. In 2009 Anna became self-employed working with her husband as co-owner of Jet Mobile Service; a waste and recycling equipment company that sells and services trash compactors and cardboard balers. Jet also works with many waste haulers assisting with mobile fabrication and equipment repairs. Thus, she has a unique relationship with waste haulers, equipment manufacturers and national account waste service companies in addition to local waste generators.
Recognizing industry changes in 2009, Anna left working for waste haulers and became an independent consultant to large material generators. As organic waste became a bigger hurdle for compliance with each passing year in California, she began vetting various types of food waste equipment to help generators successfully keep those materials out of landfills.
Anna is a woman pioneer in the waste and recycling industry that has worked tirelessly to help stakeholders find alternative technologies that mimic Mother Nature so waste programs work in harmony with our eco-system.
Over the last several years, Anna has attended and participated in many of the CalRecycle workshops that have been forming our waste and recycling regulation infrastructure. She works with Jurisdictions, Municipalities and other large generators developing waste reduction programs through equipment. Anna has been active with the USGBC, spoken at the California League of Schools Conference; she has given presentations for the Los Angeles County Solid Waste Task Force along with the Alternative Technology Advisory Board. She has also spoken to the LA County ASCE Younger Member Forum and Counties of Government (COG’s) as well.
Anna has built a wide variety of contacts, friends and business associates all related to the waste industry from one direction to the other. Her passion is to help generators and waste companies alike find better options for processing waste materials without harming the environment.